Thursday, October 11, 2012


Born in a statistics class!-Thats what I have to tell about this one as the first thing!!
And about  the theme-a belief that,souls wander everywhere-for their assigned tasks-for conveying the messages to the chosen-and they go unheard-because-the world is no longer true,but a graveyard of evils.I would like to mention what made me think about it-the movie of M.Night Shyamalan – “Lady in the water(2006”)

The solace of the soul is unspoken
Its unspoken-
But its vibes are felt within-
Felt with the chosen!

The souls mourn
Grieve and weep
The vibes spread-
As free spirits-
For they want them-
To be heard!

What they couldn’t,
In the last birth.
The agony then-
The miseries,the tears
More than the moments-
The sparks paving the ways!

The unspoken melancholy
Would be heard,if
The purity of thoughts persist!
But its not and it wont be!

The evil shadows have swallowed
The eternity of truth,
The wisdom of ages,
The morals of lives!

The so-called-
‘Immortal  values’
Are mirages,
They wont have a rebirth!
Because,they are murdered
Without remnants!

And so the souls still mourn.
The cries are unheard,
And the miseries go unspoken-
The ‘unspoken mournings’!
 Smrithi (15/9/12)


"Winners don't do different things.They do things differently." -Shiv Khera
